PTITeX 3.4, (c) Personal TeX, Inc. 1985-1998 This is TeX 3.14159 (preloaded format=LATEX 0.11.30) 3 APR 2001 12:09 **&LATEX C:/FPhandbook/Handbookkluwer-style/renormings-dowling-et-al-change.TEX (C:\FPhandbook\Handbookkluwer-style\renormings-dowling-et-al-change.TEX LaTeX2e <1998/12/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, loaded. 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(C:\PCTeXv4\AMSLTX12\umsb.fd File: Umsb.fd 1995/01/05 v2.2e AMS font definitions ) Chapter 1. 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