PTITeX 3.4, (c) Personal TeX, Inc. 1985-1998 This is TeX 3.14159 (preloaded format=AMSPLAIN 0.11.30) 11 JAN 2001 12:59 **&AMSPLAIN C:/FPhandbook/compactness-measures.tex (C:\FPhandbook\compactness-measures.tex AmS-TeX- Version 2.1 COPYRIGHT 1985, 1990, 1991 - AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Use of this macro package is not restricted provided each use is acknowledged upon publication. (C:\PCTeXv4\AMSTEX\amstex.tex) (C:\PCTeXv4\AMSTEX\amsppt.sty AMSPPT.STY - Version 2.1 Loading utility definitions, more fonts, symbol names (C:\PCTeXv4\AMSTEX\amssym.tex) , page dimension settings, top matter, section heads, theorems/proofs/definitions/remarks, rosters, footnotes, figures and captions, miscellaneous, references, end of document, output routine, hyphenation exceptions (U.S. English) ) ! Undefined control sequence. \Rn l.44 ball ${\overline B}_n(0,1)$ in $\Rn $ has the fixed point proper... ? [1] ! Undefined control sequence. \diam l.113 B , y\in B\}$ denoted by $\diam (B)$, with $\diam (\emptyset )=... ? x Output written on C:\FPhandbook\compactness-measures.dvi (1 page, 4044 bytes).