- Speaker: Dr Judy-anne Osborn, CARMA, The University of Newcastle
- Title: On the role of a First Year Experience Coordinator in Mathematics
- Location: Room V129, Mathematics Building (Callaghan Campus) The University of Newcastle
- Time and Date: 12:00 pm, Tue, 19th Mar 2013
- Abstract:
I am grateful to have been appointed in a role with a particular
focus on First Year Teaching as well as a research mandate. The prospect
of trying to do both well is daunting but exciting. I have begun talking
with some of my colleagues who are in somewhat similar roles in other
Universities in Australia and overseas about what they do. I would like to
share what I've learnt, as well as some of my thoughts so far about how
this new role might evolve. I am also very interested in input from the
Maths discipline or indeed any of my colleagues as to what you think is
important and how this role can benefit the maths discipline and our school.
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