• Focus on Group Theory Day
  • Location: Room V205, Mathematics Building (Callaghan Campus) The University of Newcastle
  • Dates: 11:00 am, Mon, 27th Jul 2015 - 4:00 pm, Mon, 27th Jul 2015
  • Schedule:
    • 11-12 Luke Morgan, UWA
    • 12-1 Lunch
    • 1-2 Stephan Tornier, ETH (Zurich)
    • 2-3 Afternoon tea
    • 3-4 Simon Smith, CityTech, CUNY (New York)

  • Speaker: Luke Morgan, University of Western Australia
  • Title: On locally-transitive discrete automorphism groups of bi-regular trees
  •      I'll give an overview of some recent developments in the theory of groups of automorphisms of trees which are discrete in the full automorphism group of the tree and are locally-transitive. I'll also mention some questions which have been provoked by this work.

  • Speaker: Dr Stephan Tornier, The University of Newcastle
  • Title: On a generalization of Burger-Mozes universal groups
  •      We generalize the Burger-Mozes universal groups acting on regular trees by prescribing the local action on balls of a given radius, and study the basic properties of this construction. We then apply our results to prove a weak version of the Goldschmidt-Sims conjecture for certain classes of primitive permutation groups.

  • Speaker: Simon Smith, CityTech, City University of New York
  • Title: Structural results about infinite permutation groups

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