CARMA Colloquium

4:00 pm

Thursday, 25th Feb 2021

SR118, SR Building (and online via Zoom)

The inaugural CARMA Colloquium for 2021.

Join via Zoom, or join us in person (max room capacity is 9 people).

Dr Scott Lindstrom

(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

The Art of Modern Homo Habilis Mathematicus, or: What Would Jon Borwein Do?

This talk is based on my upcoming book chapter of the same name, to appear in Springer handbook of the mathematics of the arts and sciences. I will sample the myriad of ways in which mathematical experiment advances my research. The examples are problems I solved with techniques inspired by the methodology and writings of the late Jonathan Borwein. I will emphasize the tools, strategies, and the broader arc that research follows: from low-dimensional, specific, and visible, to high-dimensional and general. Topics include dynamical systems, geometry, optimization, error bounds, random walks, special functions, and number theory. Because I am mainly interested in tools and creative thinking, rather than specific theory, this talk should be accessible to a wide audience.