CARMA Colloquium

4:00 pm

Thursday, 3rd Jun 2021

SR118, SR Building (and online via Zoom)

Join via Zoom, or join us in person (max room capacity is 9 people).

3:30pm for pre-talk drinks + snacks, and 4pm for the talk

Dr Matthew Skerritt

(School of Science, STEM College, RMIT University)

Computation of Integer and Algebraic Integer Relations

I will first introduce the idea of integer relations and discuss practical concerns for their computation by numeric techniques (i.e., using floating point arithmetic). To this end I will discuss the PSLQ and LLL algorithms (and will mention, in passing, some others). I will then extend the idea of integer relations into the relations consisting of algebraic integers. I will discuss, in particular, the case of algebraic integers from quadratic extension fields. As with the first part of the talk, I will discuss practical concerns for calculation by numeric techniques of these quadratic integer relations.