CARMA Colloquium
4:00 pm
Thursday, 12th Aug 2021
V205, Mathematics Building
Join via Zoom, or join us in person (max room capacity is 9 people).
3:30pm for pre-talk drinks + snacks, and 4pm for the talk
Speaker Bio: Riya is an applied mathematician and data scientist with academic experience in organising, interpreting, and visualising different data forms. She is currently working as a Digital Innovation Engineer at Veris, Brisbane, after recently completing her Doctorate degree from the University of Newcastle. She has 12 publications, with 3 focussing on solutions for COVID or any upcoming pandemic social distancing situations. Riya enjoys creatively finding solutions to problems and determining modifications for optimal use of organisational data, and was recently awarded Global Talent status from the Australian government.
• Download Emerging Trends in Geospatial AI (geoAI) ("The University of Newcastle") [20]
Dr Riya Aggarwal
(School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle)
Emerging Trends in Geospatial AI (geoAI)
Geospatial artificial intelligence (geoAI) is an emerging scientific discipline that combines innovations in spatial science, artificial intelligence methods in machine learning and high-performance computing to extract knowledge from spatial big data. In this talk, I will discuss potential applications for environmental epidemiology, including the ability to incorporate large amounts of big spatial and temporal data in a variety of formats; computational efficiency; flexibility in algorithms and workflows to accommodate relevant characteristics of spatial (environmental) processes including spatial nonstationary; and scalability to model other environmental exposures across different geographic areas.