Statistics Seminar

3:15 pm

Friday, 25th Oct 2013

V107, Mathematics Building

Download Extended analysis of partially ordered multi-factor designs ("The University of Newcastle") [20]

Prof. John Rayner

(School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle)

Extended analysis of partially ordered multi-factor designs

(John Rayner, John Best & Olivier Thas)

For multifactor experimental designs in which the levels of at least one of the factors are ordered we demonstrate the use of components that provide a deep nonparametric scrutiny of the data. The components assess generalized correlations and the resulting tests include and extend the Page and umbrella tests.

Prof. John Rayner

(School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle)

Smooth Tests of Fit for Gaussian Mixtures

(Thomas Seusse, John Rayner & Olivier Thas)

Smooth tests were developed to test for a finite mixture distribution using two smooth models. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. These tests are demonstrated by testing for a mixture of two normal distributions. Some sizes and powers are given, as is an example.