Statistics Seminar
9:30 am — 11:00 am
Thursday, 10th Sep 2015
V31, Mathematics Building
Technical/PhD Confirmation
Prof. Peter Howley
(School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle)
Mr Yi-Fan Lin
(, The University of Newcastle)
Control charts using Bayesian methods
[Yi-Fan's supervisors are Dr. Peter Howley and Dr. Frank Tuyl]
Peter's interests have seen him involved in several areas of research the past few years, these have included control charts using Bayesian methods, assessing the value-add of tertiary institutions, the use of clinical indicators in the hospital accreditation process, testing the effectiveness of educational programs, considering relationships between body parts and sex or height, as well as the development of a national poster competition for secondary school students. Peter will give an overview of these activities, which are at varying levels of development.
Yi-Fan has just completed his first year as a PhD student with Drs Peter Howley and Frank Tuyl as supervisors. Yi-Fan’s work focuses on the creation of control charts using Bayesian methods for the monitoring of clinical indicators. Yi-Fan will outline the new chart being tested, the current and intended comparisons with existing charts and his future work.