CARMA Colloquium
4:00 pm
Tuesday, 28th Mar 2017
V205, Mathematics Building
• Download Totally disconnected, locally compact groups ("The University of Newcastle") [1]
Dr Colin Reid
(CARMA, The University of Newcastle)
Totally disconnected, locally compact groups
Totally disconnected, locally compact (t.d.l.c.) groups are a large class of topological groups that arise from a few different sources, for instance as automorphism groups of a range of algebraic and combinatorial structures, or from the study of isomorphisms between finite index subgroups of a given group. A general theory has begun to emerge in recent years, based on the interaction between small-scale and large-scale structure in t.d.l.c. groups. I will give a survey of some ways in which these groups arise and some of the tools that have been developed for understanding them.