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RAPydity v0.9.1 - RAP Processing Tool

RAPydity is a tool for processing Reasonable Adjustment Plans (RAPs) directly from the PDF files and applying extra time accommodations to Canvas assignments.


  1. Python Installation
  2. Download and Setup
  3. Install Required Libraries
    Note: On most systems, tkinter comes pre-installed with Python. If you're using a virtual environment and tkinter is not found, you'll need to install it system-wide:
    • On Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install python3-tk
    • On Fedora: sudo dnf install python3-tkinter
    • On Windows: Reinstall Python and make sure to select "tcl/tk and IDLE" during installation
  4. Run RAPydity

Initial Setup

  1. On first run, you'll need to:
  2. The configuration will be saved in config.ini

Course Management

  1. Select a course from the dropdown menu at the top of the window
  2. Click "Manage Courses" to:

Viewing Extra Time Data

  1. Click "View Extra Time Data" to see all processed RAP information for the current course
  2. The viewer shows:
  3. Click any column header to sort the data
  4. This view is read-only - to update data, use "Update from RAP PDFs"

RAP Processing

  1. Place RAP PDFs in either:
  2. Click "Update from RAP PDFs" to:

Applying Extra Time

  1. After processing RAPs, click "Apply Extra Time" to:
  2. Quick Action: "Just Do It" Button

    For a streamlined workflow, use the ✓ Just Do It! button to:

    • Update student data from all RAP PDFs in one step
    • Automatically apply extra time to ALL quizzes in the course
    • Get a summary of actions performed

    This is ideal when you want to quickly process all RAPs and apply accommodations to all quizzes without selecting them individually.

  3. Extra time is calculated proportionally based on:

Application Features


© 2024 Florian Breuer. RAPydity is free software released under the MIT License.