Indigenising University Mathematics Project

The "Indigenising University Mathematics" (IUM) project and knowledge community is an international collaboration which grew out of calls to Indigenise University Mathematics in a context in which it is not necessarily clear what this could mean or how to do it with integrity for the knowledge systems involved.

The project began within CARMA – which has strong roots in Australia and Canada – with plans to edit a book (still in the works), and teams of editors around a number of themes, with each editorial team containing at least one Mathematician and at least one Indigenous person. Out of these original teams and themes grew the first conference – IUM1 – run during Covid-lockdowns and attended online by participants from across the world.

Along the way a conference series has emerged – see below – whose participants have come from every continent except Antarctica. Through all these connections and a shared desire to understand deeply and act responsibly, a growing knowledge community has come into being.

Other IUM Project Information

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