Annual NSW/ACT ANZIAM Meeting 2015
25th & 26th November 2015 in Sydney, NSW
The aim of Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) is to:
- Advance the application of mathematics to science, industry and business;
- Promote mathematical research relevant to applications of mathematics;
- Provide for the exchange of ideas and information between applied mathematicians and users of mathematics in science, engineering and industry;
- Encourage the education and training of industrial and applied mathematicians.
As part of that process, each year members of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Branches hold a meeting where academics and students present findings of their research. Moreover the meeting provides an opportunity to get to know your colleagues and to enjoy the annual dinner together.
Postgraduate students in particular are encouraged to present their work and will receive free attendance at the Conference dinner, and students outside Sydney can apply for one night free accommodation.
Due dates
Registration due | November 1st, 2015 |
Conference Dinner
To be held on 25 November 2015 in Sydney. Location to be confirmed.
Björn Rüffer | Mike Meylan | Jason Sharples |
The University of Newcastle | The University of Newcastle | UNSW Canberra |
ph: 02 4913 8169 | ph: 02 4921 6792 | ph: 02 6268 9466 | | | |
Lars Grüne, University of Bayreuth, Germany
On conditions under which receding horizon control delivers approximately optimal solutions
Receding horizon control —also known as model predictive control— is a method which solves optimal control problems on infinite or indefinitely long time horizons by iteratively solving problems on relatively short finite time horizons. It can thus be seen as a model reduction technique in time. Clearly, this technique does not apply to every optimal control problem. In this talk we will discuss conditions under which receding horizon control can be shown to yield approximately optimal solutions. A particular emphasis is put on the so-called turnpike property, which we consider as one of the central properties for making receding horizon control work.
Christopher Poulton, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Interactions between sound and light on the nanoscale
The interaction between electromagnetic and elastodynamic vibrations has a long and distinguished history, dating from the work of Brillouin in the early 20th century. More recently researchers have begun to rediscover these interactions in the context of nanophotonics, in which light is trapped or guided within structures that possess features that are typically as large as the wavelength of light (and sound) in the material. These interactions can lead to several interesting and unusual effects, including “slow-light”, by which the speed of light is reduced to a fraction of its value in vacuum. However at these small scales the mathematics of the different types of waves, and of the forces that cause them to interact, can become complicated, and modelling of the interlinked PDEs is a difficult task. In addition a number of different competing effects, arising from the electronic properties of the light-bearing medium, can have an outsized influence on the interaction. Here we discuss the journey towards a comprehensive and accurate mathematical description of light-sound interactions in nanophotonics, and review recent progress in using these models in on-chip optical waveguides for a range of novel applications.
Ian H Sloan, The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia
What’s new in high-dimensional integration?
designing integration rules for applicationsHigh-dimensional integration —numerical integration when there are hundreds or thousands of continuous variables— will be an important direction for numerical analysis far into the future. Such problems are arising with increasing frequency, and can be very hard. Much of the focus will be on applications, in mathematical finance, linear models in statistics, and PDE with random coefficients, the latter typified by flow through a random porous medium. What’s new is that for the first time we are beginning to sign rules that are especially suitable for particular applciations.
Registration fees
Registration will be free, however, we will ask non-student participants to make a contribution towards the conference dinner.
Registration is now closed.
Technical programme
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
10:30 | Björn Rüffer | The University of Newcastle | Opening |
10:45 | Lars Grüne | University of Bayreuth | Plenary: On conditions under which receding horizon control delivers approximately optimal solutions |
11:40 | Shane Keating | UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics | Stochastic methods for interpolating satellite imagery |
12:05 | Tan Le | University of Wollongong | Pricing American down-and-out calls |
12:30 | LUNCH BREAK | ||
13:30 | Anna McGann | UNSW | A Fractional Order Infectivity SIR Model |
13:55 | Zdravko Botev | University of New South Wales | How to simulate rare events and why it is important |
14:20 | |||
14:45 | Rachael Quill | UNSW Canberra | Developing a Statistical Characterisation of Wind Fields over Complex Terrain |
15:10 | COFFEE BREAK | ||
15:40 | Carl Ormerod | University of Wollongong | Controlled release drug delivery |
16:05 | Muhammad Ilyas | The University of Newcastle | Stabilized mixed finite element method for Poisson problem based on a three-field formulation |
16:30 | Matthew Tam | The University of Newcastle | Reconstruction algorithms for blind ptychographic imaging |
16:55 | Edward Waters | University of Notre Dame Australia | Epidemic spread in patchy meta-populations: highly pathogenic avian influenza in Hong Kong |
18:30 | DINNER |
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
9:15 | Christopher Poulton | University of Technology Sydney | Plenary: Interactions between sound and light on the nanoscale |
10:10 | |||
10:35 | COFFEE BREAK | ||
11:05 | Chenxi Fan | UNSW | Effective dimension for weighted ANOVA and anchored spaces |
11:30 | Lynn Seo | The Australian National University | Effects of climate, objective function and sample size on global sensitivity in a SWAT model |
11:55 | Christopher Thomas | UNSW Canberra | The effects of fire line geometry on the evolution of fire fronts |
12:20 | Tom Dyer | University of Wollongong | Intercalation of nanotubes into graphene folds |
12:45 | LUNCH BREAK | ||
13:45 | Ian H Sloan | The University of New South Wales Sydney | Plenary: What’s new in high-dimensional integration? — designing for applications |
14:40 | Manal Saleh | University of Wollongong | Maximising product concentration in a diabatic reactor |
15:05 | COFFEE BREAK | ||
15:35 | Ashish Goyal | UNSW Australia | How to optimize budget allocation among interventions modulating the hepatitis B and hepatitis D epidemics in China? |
16:00 | Quoc Thong Le Gia | University of New South Wales | Higher order quasi Monte Carlo integration for Bayesian estimations |
16:25 | |||
16:50 | Mike Meylan | The University of Newcastle | Closing |
Here is a programme in PDF format.
Student prizes
- Anna McGann was awarded the best student presentation prize.
- Matthew Tam and Tom Dyer received honourable mentions for their respective presentations.
The meeting will be held on the Sydney campus of the University of Newcastle at 55 Elizabeth Street, centrally located near public transport hubs, Martin Place and the retail heart of Sydney.
All talks will be held in room ELI224 (second floor).
Here’s a picture of the entrance: