Scientific Committee:   | H. Abels, K. Brown, L. Kramer, R. Möller, A. Nevo, B. Rémy, G. Willis |
The workshop will relate the structure theory of general totally disconnected locally compact groups to the study of particular classes such as automorphism groups of complexes and Lie groups over totally disconnected fields.
Recent advances make it timely to compare techniques and problems in these fields. Introductory lectures will be delivered on:
totally disconnected groups | (by George A. Willis); |
automorphisms of graphs | (by Rögnvaldur G. Möller); |
Lie groups | (by Helge Glöckner); |
buildings | (by Bertrand Rémy); |
cube complexes | (by Micha Sageev). |
Organizing Committee: | U. Baumgartner, H. Glöckner, J. Ramagge, G. Willis |