Jonathan M. Borwein

Commemorative Conference

25—29 September, 2017


Proceedings of the
Jonathan Borwein Commemorative Conference

It is hoped that each invited speaker will submit a paper, either elaborating on their conference presentation or on a topic relevant to the appropriate theme, to the Conference Proceedings which are contracted to be published by Springer. Their papers should be prepared according to the guidelines specified below.

Other participants in the Jonathan Borwein Commemorative Conference are also invited to submit a paper in one of the thematic areas. A select few of exceptional relevance may appear in the Conference Proceedings, but most will be considered for the Special Issue of the Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society dedicated to Jon Borwein and should be submitted in the style required by that journal
(see mathematical-society).

In the first instance, papers should be submitted through the Chair of the relevant theme.

Acceptance of all submitted papers will be subject to the usual peer review process.

The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2018 with the expectation that the Proceedings will appear in late 2018/early 2019.

Brailey Sims Editor, Proceedings Jonathan Borwein Commemorative Conference

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

Instructions for contributing authors

  1. We kindly ask you to navigate through the several pages about Springer's "manuscript guidelines"
    Information about permissions, figures, templates, key style points, and final check can also be found there.

    Specific Information about Conference Proceedings can be found at:

  2. We strongly recommend preparing all contributions in the proceedings volume using LaTeX2e. To ensure best results, authors are asked to use the LaTeX2e style files for contributed books. Guidelines for Contributors of Conference Proceedings can found at:

    (updates can also be downloaded from:

    The compressed folders include
    • instructions: please read them carefully before you get started;
    • the necessary styles;
    • several templates (*.tex) that you may choose to use for your own manuscript;
    • pdf examples that demonstrate the Springer style

    The "author.tex" file, located in the templates folder, is designed to serve as a starting point for preparing a contribution
    [The "Editor" folder includes *.tex templates for each of the sections of the volume that the volume editors could prepare, as well as all items that are necessary to compile the entire book. Dear volume editor: Please note that you do not necessarily need to compile the whole volume in LaTeX. Springer will send you separate instructions on how to submit all final files of the contributions.]

    Careful preparation of all contributions and editor-prepared materials will help keep production time short and ensure the satisfactory appearance of the finished book in print and online. We also kindly ask you not to change the commands and settings of the style files, as this may cause errors during compilation of the final manuscript. Should any questions concerning the style files arise, please feel free to contact your Springer editor.

  3. In order to proceed to production we kindly ask all contributors/authors to submit all final source files, including all figures, and the fully corresponding pdf file of the final version of their paper.

  4. For each contribution there should be one filled in Consent to Publish Form. (Dear Author: Please include the filled in form when you submit your accepted, final revised paper and its source files.)

  5. At the beginning of each PROMS contribution it is very important to include the authors' names and addresses, up to five keywords and the MSC 2010 codes in their order of importance, as well as an abstract. Please fill in the information about your address according to the following guidelines:

    Each author's address should be written in two lines and include all information about: institute or laboratory, then university, then street, then post code and city (or PO BOX and city), and then country. The first line should include information about the institute etc. and university; the second line should include postal information such as road, postal code and city, and country. The e-mail should always be on a separate third line under the postal address.

  6. Please use a LaTeX-aware spell-checker! We recommend use of any of the programs available at the following link:
    More information about spell-checking can be found in the "authorinst.pdf" file