South Pacific Continuous Optimization Meeting
8 — 12 February, 2015 Adelaide, South Australia
This is the fourth edition of the successful South Pacific meetings (South Pacific Conferences
in Mathematics (SPCM) in 2005 and 2010 held in New Caledonia, and
South Pacific Optimization Meeting in 2013 (SPOM 2013) held in
Newcastle, Australia. The (Fourth) South Pacific Continuous Optimization Meeting (SPCOM 2015) is
hosted by the University of South Australia (UniSA) and will be held in the City West campus of UniSA in (the city centre of) Adelaide, Australia, between 8 and
12 February 2015. SPCOM 2015 will take place soon after another Australian mathematics meeting, ANZIAM 2015, which will be held 1st — 5th February 2015 at
Outrigger, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.
SPCOM 2015 includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics from the broad area
of continuous optimization:
- Variational analysis
- Optimal control theory
- Convex analysis
- Numerical optimization
- Vector optimization
- Stochastic optimization
- Functional analysis
As with the previous editions, this meeting will bring together about 60-80 researchers
and students from all over the world, especially from Western Europe and the Pacific Rim,
including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Italy,
Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA.
SPCOM 2015 will offer a rich scientific program consisting of Conference Talks, a Fitzpatrick Workshop,
two half-day Tutorials, and a Poster Session.
Conference Talks
Between 9 and 12 of February 2014 there will be plenary talks
(50-minute presentation + 10 minutes for questions),
invited talks (25-minute presentation + 5 minutes for
questions), and contributed talks (25-minute presentation
+ 5 minutes for questions). For abstract submission, follow this link. The deadline for
abstract submission is Friday 30 January, 2015.
Invited Speakers
Confirmed plenary speakers include:
Other confirmed overseas invited speakers include Samir Adly (University
of Limoges), Hans Georg Bock (Heidelberg), Henri Bonnel (Univ. New
Caledonia), Rob Corless (Western University), Andreas Hamel (Univ.
Bozen-Bolzano), Lidia Huerga (Universidad Nacional de Educación a
Distancia, Madrid), Napsu Karmitsa (Uni. Turku), Ekaterina Kostina (Marburg),
Sabine Pickenhein (Cottbus), Sandra Santos (State Uni. Campinas), Christopher
Schneider (Jena), Mihail Solodov (IMPA), Jie Sun (National Uni. Singapore),
Christiane Tammer (Uni. Halle-Wittenberg), Firdevs Ulus (Princeton), Zhiyou
Wu (Chong Qing Normal Univ.).
Other confirmed Australian invited speakers include Adil Bagirov
(Federation) Jonathan Borwein (Newcastle), Regina Burachik (UniSA),
Andrew Eberhard (RMIT) Jerzy Filar (Flinders),
Bean San Goh (Curtin Sarawak), Phil Howlett (UniSA),
Yalçin Kaya (UniSA), Alex Kruger (Federation), Guoyin Li (UNSW), Qun Lin (Curtin), Ryan Loxton
(Curtin), Jonathan Manton (Melbourne), Julia
Piantadosi (UniSA), Nadezda Sukhorukova
(Swinburne University of Technology), Matthew Tam (Newcastle), Julien Ugon
(Federation), David Yost (Federation).
Contributed Talks
There are a limited number of slots for contributed talks. If you
would like to submit a contributed talk, please submit your title and
abstract through the online system -- (now closed) (The
deadline for abstract submission is Friday 30 January, 2015.). A
decision regarding the acceptance of your talk will be sent to you by
the organisers shortly after your submission. Registration to SPCOM
2015 is restricted to accepted contributed speakers.
Fitzpatrick Workshop
This half-day workshop will celebrate the 25 years of the
publication of a seminal paper on maximal monotone operators by the
Australian mathematician Simon
Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick's paper introduced a key tool in
functional analysis, with important implications in mathematical
optimization. An objective of this workshop is to understand, after a
quarter of a century passed, what open questions that were posed in this
paper have been solved, and what questions remain open. Stephen Simons will give a
keynote talk on Fitzpatrick’s contributions to Functional Analysis.
Then a number of 20-minute talks will follow. The organizers of this
half-day workshop are Jon Borwein and Regina Burachik.
Schedule for the Fitzpatrick Workshop
Date: 10 February 2015, Time: 9:00-12:30
The length of each talk is 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
9:00-10:00 | Stephen Simons (keynote) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee/Tea break |
10:30-11:00 | Jonathan Borwein |
11:00-11:30 | Radu Bot |
11:30-12:00 | Samir Adly |
12:00-12:30 | Regina Burachik |
Two half-day tutorials
Both tutorials will be delivered on Sunday 8 February, and will cover theory and
applications on optimization topics. They target postgraduate students and early career
researchers, but are open to any other interested researcher. The tutorials are free of
charge for all registered participants.
Poster Session
PhD students will have the opportunity to showcase their research, and find out what
others are doing, in a poster session that will be held sometime between 9 and 12
If you would like to submit a poster, please submit its title and
abstract through the online system (poster submission is now closed) (please
select "Poster" as the category). The deadline for abstract
submission is Friday 30 January, 2015. A decision regarding the
acceptance of your poster will be sent to you shortly after your
Download this map to see the
location of the SPCOM 2015 venue and the options for accommodation.
Follow this link for specific
accommodation options.
Contact: yalcin.kaya@unisa.edu.au or regina.burachik@unisa.edu.au.
Registration for SPCOM 2015
Standard (non-AustMS member) | $220 |
Standard (AustMS member) | $180 |
Student (non-AustMS member) | $100 |
Student (AustMS member) | $80 |
Click here to register.
Presentations (PDF format)
Some of the presentations from the workshop are available here:
- "Semivectorial Bilevel Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds" — H. Bonnel, L. Todjihoundé, C. Udrişte
- "Maximal monotone inclusions and Fitzpatrick functions" — Jonathan M. Borwein, Joydeep Dutta
- "A new subfamily of enlargements of a maximally monotone operator" — R.S. Burachik, J.E. Martínez Legaz, M. Rezaie, M. Théra [Fitzpatrick Workshop]
- "About Uniform Regularity of Collections of Sets in Hilbert Spaces" — Alexander Kruger
- "Applications of Bang-Bang and Singular Control Problems in Biology and Biomedicine" — Helmut Maurer
- "Coderivative Characterizations of Maximal Monotonicity" — Boris Mordukhovich
- "Lower bound theorems for general polytopes" — Guillermo Pineda, Julien Ugon, David Yost
- "Single-stage/Multistage Stochastic Variational Inequalities" — Terry Rockafellar
- "Computational NSO (NonSmooth Optimization): a tutorial focusing on bundle methods" — Claudia Sagastizábal [tutorial]
- "Discretization and Dualization of Linear-Quadratic Control Problems with Bang-Bang Solutions" — Christopher Schneider
- "SN spaces, rL-density and maximal monotonicity" — Stephen Simons
- "Best polynomial approximation: multidimensional case" — D. Yost, N. Sukhorukova, J. Ugon
- "Stochastic Optimization with Ambiguity in Distribution" — J. Sun
- "... From Hiking the Cascades and the Olympics to Stochastic VariationalInequalities" — Roger Wets
- "Non-Lipschitzian Reformulation Method for Constrained Optimization Problems" — Xiaoqi Yang
- "Lipschitz Stability in Variational Analysis" — Asen Dontchev