Scott  B. Lindstrom

I work with triangles and their friends.

Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science, Curtin University





About Me

I am a mathematician at Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science. I use variational analysis and computational tools to study problems in nonlinear optimisation from a geometric standpoint. I work on splitting methods in particular, with applications including machine learning, data science, and inverse problems (i.e. signal recovery). I also develop forward error bound architecture for conic-linear programming. Error bounds are essentially accuracy guarantees for the conic-linear problem formulations employed in tools like CVX, Alfonso, Mosek, Hypatia, etc. 

I use modern computational tools to build models of problems, and experimental techniques to analyse them, a methodology I described in a recent book chapter. Images of these models have received various accolades; some are featured on the gallery page. Because I am a visual learner, I am also a very visual teacher. I employ many pictures in my research, as well as in the classroom. I currently have projects available that are suitable for undergraduates and graduates alike. If you are interested in working with me, then you can e-mail me or talk to me at a meeting of the Mathematical Sciences Club, for which I currently serve as faculty adviser.

I earned an M.S. in mathematics at Portland State University, followed by a PhD at the Computer-Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications Priority Research Centre at University of Newcastle. This centre was founded by my adviser, Jonathan Borwein, who invited me to come to Australia to work with him, and passed away in 2016. Following completion of my PhD, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Hong Kong Polytechnic University for two and a half years.