Jonathan M. Borwein
Commemorative Conference
25—29 September, 2017
◄Applied Analysis, Optimisation & Convex Functions►

Image by Scott Lindstrom and Matt Skerritt
Our Analysis session will include works on nonsmooth analysis, convex analysis, variational analysis and maximal monotone operators. It may also have presentations on numerical analysis, as well as in optimal control. This reflects the wide range of problems and frameworks within analysis that were impacted by Jon’s work.
- Prof. Terry Rockafellar (keynote speaker)
- Adil Bagirov
- Prof. H. Bauschke
- Prof. Gerald Beer
- Regina Burachik
- Rob Corless
- Minh Dao
- Joydeep Dutta
- Prof. Andrew Eberhard
- Mr Scott Lindstrom
- Prof. Warren Moors
- Nina Ovcharova
- Dr Vera Roshchina
- Prof. Brailey Sims
- Dr Matt Tam