Jonathan M. Borwein
Commemorative Conference
25—29 September, 2017

Jon believed in mathematics without boundaries. Education was always part of research for him. Key moments in his academic life catalysed an increased exploration of how math and education work in dynamic unison. In the mid-1980s, Pi and the AGM, visualisation packages such as Cinderella, followed by the development of research environments in the 1990s brought together a conceptual understanding of education and various physical spaces for reconnecting research and learning. The Centre for Experimental and Computational Mathematics (CECM) at Simon Fraser University, which he began in 1993, is thriving today, and stands as one of many examples of the international impact Jon has had on education: through his vocal advocacy and engagement with mathematical tools and spaces. This became a stepping stone to other aesthetic collaborations and supervisions across disciplines; this extended to how and where he published. Both formal and non-standard ways of creating connections between math and education is one of his legacies. Beyond centres like CARMA (UoN), Co-Lab (Dalhousie), and CECM (SFU), Jon explored ways of teaching and learning through expository writing, and the work that had him monikered Dr Pi. The Education theme for the JBCC is focused on building a common space for math and education.
- Prof. Keith Devlin (keynote speaker)
Executive Director of HSTAR Institute, Stanford University, USA
- Naomi Borwein
PhD Candidate, The University of Newcastle
- Prof. Cyndi Garvan
Statistics Director in the Office of Educational Research in the College of Education at the University of Florida
- Prof. Merrilyn Goos
Outgoing Head of the School of Education, University of Queensland, and incoming Chair in STEM Education and Director of the National Centre for STEM Education at the University of Limerick in Ireland
- Prof. Kathryn Holmes
Professor of Education (Science, Mathematics and Technology), Dean's Unit - School of Education
- Prof. Veselin Jungic
3M National Teaching Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Dr Judy-anne Osborn
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA), University of Newcastle, Australia
- Prof. Geoff Prince
Director, Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI)
- Andrew Kepert
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Satellite meeting
A satellite meeting on Mathematics and Education will be held on Sunday, 24th September.
Visit the meeting website: