Jonathan M. Borwein
Commemorative Conference
25—29 September, 2017
◄Experimental Mathematics and Visualisation►

Jon's passion and advocacy for Experimental Mathematics, for rigorous Reproducible Computation, and for Visualisation in Mathematics, have all had a significant impact on the mathematical landscape. His many co-authored books including "Experimental Mathematics in Action", "Experimentation in Mathematics - Computational Paths to Discovery", "Mathematics by Experiment - Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century", and "The Computer as Crucible: an Introduction to Experimental Mathematics" have helped raise the profile of Experimental Mathematics as a new field made possible in its richness by modern computational power and accessibility. His founding of the conference series EVIMS (Effective Visualisation in the Mathematical Sciences) continues to influence both Maths and Maths Education in Australia. The various centres that Jon founded, including IRMACS, CECM and CARMA, all continue to foster creative, interdisciplinary and experimental ways of seeing and understanding mathematics. This spirit and the threads of Experimental Mathematics, Computation and Visualisation will permeate the talks in this theme.
- Prof. David Bailey (keynote speaker)
- Prof. Michael Barnsley
- Prof. Robert Corless
- Prof. Frank Garvan
- Dr Andrew Mattingly
- Aayush Rajasekaran
- Prof. Wadim Zudilin