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34th International Workshop on
Water Waves and Floating Bodies
7-10 April, 2019
Noah's on the Beach, Newcastle, NSW
Accepted abstracts
The list of contributions accepted by the scientific committee is listed alphabetically
- A Nonlinear Potential-Flow Model For Wave-Structure Interaction Using High-Order Finite Differences On Overlapping Grids, Mostafa Amini-Afshar, Harry B. Bingham, William D. Henshaw, and Robert Read
- Directional Energy Transfer due to Third-Order Interactions during an Extreme Wave Event, D. Barratt, H.B. Bingham, P.H. Taylor, T.S. van den Bremer, and T.A.A. Adcock
- Wave interaction with a floating circular flexible porous membrane in a two-layer fluid, Harekrushna Behera, Siluvai Antony Selvan, and Vinay Kumar Gupta
- Nonlinear wave diffraction and radiation around a ship-shaped FPSO in oblique seas, L. Chen, P.H. Taylor, S. Draper, H. Wolgamot, L. Cheng, and D.Z. Ning
- Mysterious wavefront uncovered, Xiaobo Chen, Binbin Zhao and Ruipeng Li
- Poincare’s velocity representation in time domain free surface flow, Choi Y.M., Malenica S, Clement, A.H., Bouscasse B., and Ferrant P.
- Oblique scattering by a thick rectangular barrier in deep water, Bablu Chandra Das, Soumen De, and B. N. Mandal
- Effect of a submerged plate on flexural-gravity wave blocking, Santu Das, Trilochan Sahoo, and Michael H. Meylan
- Comparison of wave-body interaction modelling methods for the study of reactively controlled point absorber wave energy converter, Boyin Ding, Pierre-Yves Wuillaume, Fantai Meng, Aurélien Babarit, Benjamin Schubert, Nataliia Sergiienko, and Benjamin Cazzolato
- Numerical investigation of the performance of a pile-restrained WEC-type dual-floating breakwater system, Haoyu Ding, Jun Zang, Chris Blenkinsopp, Dezhi Ning, Xuanlie Zhao, Qiang Chen, and Junliang Gao
- An experimental model of wind-induced rafting of pancake ice floating on waves, A. Dolatshah, L. G. Bennetts, M. H. Meylan, J. P. Monty, and A. Toffoli
- Initial experimental validation of a pressure impulse model for a vertical circular cylinder, Amin Ghadirian and Henrik Bredmose
- Severe Wave-Body Interactions: a Potential-Flow HPC Method and its Strong Domain-Decomposition Coupling with a Level-Set Navier-Stokes Solver, Finn-Christian W. Hanssen, Giuseppina Colicchio, and Marilena Greco
- A Fictitious Body Continuation model for the vertical water entry of 2D asymmetric bodies with flow separation, Romain Hascoet, Nicolas Jacques, Yves-Marie Scolan, and Alan Tassin
- On nonlinear wave interaction with deformable ice sheets, Masoud Hayatdavoodi, Vasily Kostikov, R. Cengiz Ertekin, and Yongbo Chen
- On Piston and Sloshing Mode Resonances in Three-dimensional Moonpool of Vessels in Fixed and Free-floating Conditions, Haiyang Huang, Xin Xu, and Xinshu Zhang
- Numerical simulation of hydroelastic waves along a semi-infinite ice floe, Luofeng Huang, Azam Dolatshah, Philip Cardiff, Luke Bennetts, Alessandro Toffoli, Zeljko Tukovic and Giles Thomas
- Cavitation/ventilation phenomena during the water impact with horizontal velocity of double curvature shaped bodies, A. Iafrati and S. Grizzi,
- A Linear Elasticity Model for Ice Shelf Vibrations, Balaje Kalyanaraman, Michael H. Meylan, Bishnu Lamichhane, and Luke G. Bennetts
- Study on Added Resistance with Measured Unsteady Pressure Distribution on Ship-hull Surface, Masashi Kashiwagi, Hidetsugu Iwashita, Soma Miura, and Munehiko Hinatsu
- Study on Sensitivity of Ship Added Resistance to Wave Slope, Byung-Soo Kim, Kyung-Kyu Yang, and Yonghwan Kim
- Modelling of Wave-structure Interaction for Cylindrical Structures using a Spectral Element Multigrid Method, Wojciech Laskowski, Harry B. Bingham, and Allan P. Engsig-Karup
- Effect of wave paddle motions on water waves, Hui Liang, Yun Zhi Law, Harrif Santo, and Eng Soon Chan
- On the Four-wave Resonant Interactions in Finite Water Depth, Shuai Liu and Xinshu Zhang
- A non-hydrostatic model for nonlinear water waves interacting with structures, Yuxiang Ma, Congfang Ai, Changfu Yuan, and Guohai Dong
- Wave interaction with a shallowly submerged step, Guy McCauley, Hugh Wolgamot, Scott Draper, and Jana Orszaghova
- Simplified models for waves due to steadily moving ships and submerged bodies, Scott W. McCue, Ravindra Pethiyagoda, and Timothy J. Moroney
- Second order interaction of flexural gravity waves with bottom mounted vertical circular cylinder. Malenica S., Korobkin A.A., Khabakhpasheva T.I., and Kwon S.H
- Simulation of Two-Body Interaction in Waves with the Immersed Boundary Method, Wei Meng and Wei Qiu
- Experiments on a barge rolling next to a wall, I. A. Milne, O. Kimmoun, B. Molin, and J. M. R. Graham
- Nonlinear Stochastic Prediction of Extreme Deck Slamming on Offshore Platform in Irregular Waves, Hyun-Seung Nam and Yonghwan Kim
- Numerical simulation of interface deformation and wave resistance caused by a given pressure load moving in an ice-breaking channel, B.Y. Ni and L. D. Zeng
- On wave diffraction-radiation by bodies with porous thin plates, Ouled Housseine C.
- A graded resonator array for amplification of water waves, M. A. Peter, L. G. Bennetts, and R. V. Craster
- Time-frequency analysis of wakes produced by turning ships, Ravindra Pethiyagoda, Timothy J. Moroney, and Scott W. McCue
- Water wave scattering by asymmetric trench beneath ice cover, Sandip Paul and Soumen De
- An extension to the linear shallow water equation, R. Porter
- Modelling motion instabilities of a submerged wave energy converter, Dirk Rijnsdorp, Jana Orszaghova, David Skene, Hugh Wolgamot, and Ashkan Rafiee
- Real-time prediction of unidirectional irregular waves, David Skene, Hugh Wolgamot, Justin Geldard, Paul Taylor, and Scott Draper
- Study on water column impact without/with air cavity, Bingyue Song and Chongwei Zhang
- Moving Pressure Distribution in an Ice Channel, Izolda V. Sturova and Larisa A. Tkacheva
- Wave-induced drift of a thin floating plate: A numerical experiment, Sasan Tavakoli, Filippo Nelli, Luke G. Bennetts, and Alessandro Toffoli
- Analysis of 2D Singular Effect on Nonlinear Wave Forces with Application of Scaled Boundary FEM, Bin Teng and Yixin Qian
- A fast method for optimization of large wave energy converter arrays, Grgur Tokic and Dick K.P. Yue
- Predictions of Ship Turning Circle Maneuvers Using A Combined Computational Fluid Dynamics and Potential Flow Approach, Paul F. White, Bradford G. Knight, Kevin J. Maki, Dominic J. Piro, and Robert F. Beck
- Application of the High-Level Green-Naghdi model on internal solitary waves with a free surface, Z. Wang, B.B. Zhao, W.Y. Duan, and T.Y. Zhang
- Simple analytical approximations to farfield or short ship waves, Huiyu Wu, Jiayi He, and Francis Noblesse
- A study of reactively controlled floating point absorber in wave tank experiments, Qianlong Xu, Ye Li, Boyin Ding, Zhiliang Lin, and Benjamin Cazzolato
- Hydrodynamic study of energy harvesting breakwater with parabolic openings, Chongwei Zhang, Dezhi Ning, and Bin Teng
- On the periodic waves interacting with linear shear currents, B.B. Zhao, W.Y. Duan, W.Q. Yang, and S. Huang
- Gap resonance driven by linear, quadratic and cubic wave excitation, W. Zhao, P. H. Taylor, H.A. Wolgamot, and R. Eatock Taylor
Please contact the organizers (iwwwfb@newcastle.edu.au) if your abstract has been accepted but it subsequently emerges you/coauthors are unable to present your paper at the Workshop.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. (However, depending on the program arrangement, this presentation and discussion time may change.)
Background information which is well-known to specialists working in the same field should be omitted. Work which is still incomplete may be presented, but material already published and disseminated should not be reported.