New Series
My Recent Books
and Monographs ('*' indicates I was a contributor)
- (2015) Tools and Mathematics (Springer, Maths Education)
- (2015) * The Human Face of Computing.
- Interviews with famous computer scientists. (Imperial College)
(2015) * Mathematics, Substance and Surmise.
Views on the meaning and ontology of mathematics. (Springer)
- (2015) * The Future of Mathematics 1965--2065.
- Pp. 313--329 in
A Century of Advancing Mathematics (MAA)
- (2015) * Who We Are? Ch. 12 in
I, Mathematician (MAA)
- (2014)
Neverending Fractions (AustMS-CUP)
- (2013)
Computational and Analytical Mathematics
- In Honour of JMB's 60th (Springer)
- (2013)
Lattice Sums Then and Now (CUP, Flier)
- (2013)
Number Theory and Related Fields:
- in Memory of Alf van der Poorten (Springer, May, Flier)
- (2012)
Writings on Exploratory Experimentation (PsiPress)
- (2011) Modern
Mathematical Computation with Maple
- (2012) Mathematica version
- CARMA Web page
also Preface of book and Amazon
- (2011)
Selected Writings on Computational Mathematics (PsiPress)
- (2010) Convex Functions
(Cambridge University Press,
- (2008)
The Computer as Crucible
and Flier)
- (2010) Experimentelle Mathematik
- (2009) Japanese edition
- (2008)
Communicating Math in the Digital Era
(My chapter
- (2008)* Proof & Other Dilemmas, MAA (My chapter and Amazon).
- (2007) Experimental Mathematics in Action (AK Peters) (Amazon).
- (2006)*
Math and the Aesthetic (my chapter), Contents (Amazon).
- (2005) Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization
(2nd Ed, Amazon).
- (2010) Paperback
- (2005) Techniques of Variational Analysis (Springer-Verlag, Amazon)
- (2010)
- (2004) Pi: A Sourcebook (Amazon) (3ed cover) Selecta and My Pi Files.
- (2004) Experimental Math Books (MR1,MR2): Our Website, an Extended Selection
and: Vol I and Vol II from Amazon.
(2008) Math by Experiment (Expanded Edition) (Amazon).
Combined Active CD version
- (2002) Dictionary of Mathematics (UK Second Edition (2002)).
North American
Smithsonian Edition
MathResource interactive download version with Maple.
- My Other Books and Monographs (linked PDF).
